

WHAT IS LANGUAGE?                Language is medium use to communicate. Language can be in the form of verbal, actions, or symbols like letters or drawings. HOW MEDIA LANGUANGE BEING CONFIGURED?                Media language is being configured when the consumers and producers of media use different platforms and conventions. WHO ARE THE CONSUMERS AND PRODUCERS OF MEDIA?                Everyone is a consumer and producers of media. We are the consumers by reading news, researching, etc. while we are the producers when we post something or send something using media. QUESTION YOUR ANSWERS Predict how this event will be covered by TV, radio, print, and internet. TV- Live coverage of the protest Radio- Live audio of news without ...


“LANGUAGE IS A SOURCE OF MISUNDERSTANDING” –McLucas, 1964               Language is a medium for communication. Through communication, people interact and sometimes, the way that the encoder wants the message to be delivered, is not the way the receiver decode or interpret it hence, misunderstanding. There are lots of barriers present in communication. It can be the surrounding, age, gender, philosophy in life, etc. DOES THE USER’S/AUDIEN’S OWN BACKGROUND OR EXPERIENCES AFFECT THE INTERPRETATION OF MESSAGES? HOW?                Yes, because experiences or backgrounds are different with each other that might affect the views and opinions of the audience or user. IS IT POSSIBLE THAT A DIFFERENT INDIVIDUAL DERIVES A DIFFERENT MEANING FROM THE MESSAGE? EXPLAIN.              ...


1 .       How do people find information that matches my needs?                        First thing that I do is to know and list (if possible) all the things that I need to  learn or research. With that, I ask or search for the most accurate sites that can be my S ource. For example, for the weather, I can go directly to website of PAG-ASA. But for  other topics like science, mathematics, and the like, I would search through books  or search the internet for information and making sure that the source is reliable base  on the factors that I have learned in Media Lit.            2.         How do I choose from the wide   variety of information made available by different sources?           ...



Media and Information Sources (Selection Criteria)

SELECTION CRITERIA QUESTIONS TO PONDER ANSWER RELIABILITY What are the details of this piece of news? Which of these details can be verified in other resources? Could these details can be true? Why or why not? Information about the basketball championship of UAAP80 All of this Yes, because I watched the basketball game and I can say that it is true ACCURACY Which of these facts are measurable? How are they derived? Was the article written in objective manner? Is the article written with care? Scores of the teams, Time Derived from the game Yes Yes VALUE Consider the audience of this article? Who would find this article valuable? Not directly stated Athletes and people who are interested in sports AUTHORITY Who wrote the article? How’s this author related to the article? What was his source? Are the sources pr...

Indigenous Sources (Video Interview)

Click here to see video interview VIDEO CONTENT: INTRO: MEMBER: Good day! Today, our teacher asked us to interview someone from the school to ask him or her how he or she get information and how he or she deliver it to the students. INTERVIEWEE: I'm Victoriano, Aaron M., from PLM. BS Biological Science Student. INTERVIEWER: What type of information are you responsible for? INTERVIEWEE: I think the information I'm responsible for is giving more information on the Science subject and the society. INTERVIEWER: How do you receive and pass this information? INTERVIEWEE: Through social media, specifically. INTERVIEWER: How is this information helpful in the school community? INTERVIEWEE: As one of the stakeholders of this school, it is important that we must know various information in different aspects. INTERVIEWER: How do you know the information is true? INTERVIEWEE: I can say the information is true if it come from a reliable sources. INTERVIEWER: Lastly, are these p...